When Sad Feelings Visit

We all have days when the blues get the best of us. Sad feelings can come to visit without warning, and sometimes for no reason at all! The great thing is, we don’t have to keep these feelings. We can take a few moments to see our feelings, and sit with them, let them know they are seen. And then we have the power to choose to let them pass. It gets easier the more you practice.

Ready to try if with me? Teaching kids to meditate can help them understand how to calm their minds and settle into their bodies, allowing them to feel safe, better process their feelings, retain new information, and improve focus, energy, life balance!

Click below and listen to “When Sad Feelings Come to Visit”, and brush those blues away today!

Brooke Blankenship

Educating and equipping all kids with tools that help them navigate stress and live their best.




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