Your Own Private Green Room

I try to meditate every single day. Like working out, I make it a priority for my mental health (and my sanity). Most of the time, I meditate in silence and stillness. Giving my brain and body the space and time to get quiet, and just be. But on Mondays, I like to meditate with @kathrynbudig at @hausofphoenix. I’ve found her guided meditations to be a powerful addition to my practice. She often refers to the third eye (the space between your brows) as the doorway to your own Green Room. I love this visualization for its ease of imagery. When I practice this, I actually imagine a door opening up to a very green room. Sometimes it’s filled with comfy furniture and snacks, inviting me to relax and just be. Sometimes my purpose there is more focused. But either way, giving my brain the time to visualize and imagine is beneficial. Here’s why-

Visualization is the act of focusing on something specific, like a goal or desired outcome. You can make a picture in your mind creating your own imagery. The idea is to practice visualizing until whatever it is becomes reality. And science keeps proving the numerous benefits visualization can have for our mental health and wellbeing, such as improving:

Try It! 

Get comfortable, close your eyes or lower your gaze. 

Root down through your seat and grow tall in your spine. 

Begin to deepen and lengthen your breath, taking a few moments to come into your space. 

Then, take your index and middle fingers to your third eye space (between your brows) and begin to gently tap or rub small circles, waking up the area. 

After a few breaths, relax your hands on you next to your legs. 

Now imagine a door in that space. 

This is the door to your own private Green Room. 

Open the door, and walk inside. 

Here you see comfy furniture that begs you to come and sit for a while. 

There are snacks and beverages available all around this room, too, so you don’t need to worry about getting hungry if you decide to stay a while.

Take a moment now, to sit and relax. 

You can let your mind be still and quiet, and just be.

Or, you can imagine something amazing you’ve been dreaming about for yourself.

Whatever you choose is okay, and a perfect decision for you today.

Sit quietly and take a few moments to find the joy in whatever we’ve chosen to imagine.

Pause and take as many breaths as you need here.

When you are ready, gently bring movement back to your body by wiggling your fingers and toes, rubbing your hands on your arms or legs, gently opening back up the eyes.

Repeat this visualization exercise as often as you’d like for the best benefits to your practice. 

COMING SOON! LISTEN to this mediation for free on Insight Timer. Subscribe and never miss a meditation release!

Brooke Blankenship

Educating and equipping all kids with tools that help them navigate stress and live their best.


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